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Pigs, Cows, and Geese, Oh My!

It might not be as thrilling as “Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My,” but it’s the reality on our farm. For many years, we raised pigs to provide high-quality protein to veterans in need. Pigs are truly remarkable animals. Often perceived as unclean and unintelligent, they are, in fact, one of the most incredible creatures on the planet. A domestic pig, if released into the wild, can turn feral in just a few weeks, developing thick armor-like skin around vital organs, growing tusks, and completely changing their perception of humans.

Conversely, a well-cared-for pig, with proper food, water, and space to roam, is one of the most curious and helpful animals on the farm. We used pigs for many years to clear land; there’s no better animal for this task. This principle aligns with Farm2Veteran’s philosophy: understanding an animal’s nature and allowing it to do what comes naturally. By doing so, the animal enjoys a great life, and we can achieve our mission with less effort. Ultimately, the pigs cleared land for us, allowing us to transition to raising cows.

In the past, we only had pigs, then we had both pigs and cows. Now that the pigs have fulfilled their role, cows have become the primary meat-producing animals on our farm. We still have Big and Little Mama, of course. They will live out their lives on the farm, serving as the welcoming committee for farm tours and reminding us of the importance of pigs to Farm2Veteran. We’ve also partnered with an incredible pig farm to the north, who raises pigs the same way we do. Moving forward, we will purchase pork from them, enabling us to diversify our meat production while continuing to provide the same high-quality meat to veterans in need.