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Farming and Veterans – Not Your Standard Charity!

When people first hear about Farm2Veteran, they often wonder how a farm can serve as a charity to help veterans in need. It’s a fair question. Since 2012, we’ve been farming in Manhattan, IL, initially selling our eggs and meat to local restaurants and families.

However, in January 2020, our team came together to discuss how we could make a meaningful impact on the lives of veterans, a cause we all deeply care about. Mike, our farm manager, put it best: “Let’s just give everything to veterans.” From that day forward, we’ve adhered to this mission. We don’t sell anything or trade; we exclusively donate to veterans in need, and in doing so, we’ve discovered our true purpose.

Before founding the charity, our founder met numerous veterans across the country. Time and again, he heard the same story: a veteran served our great nation with dignity and courage, only to struggle upon returning to civilian life. Witnessing this pattern repeatedly, he wanted to help but didn’t know how.

Then, in 2020, inspired by his good friend and farm manager, our divine mission became crystal clear. Since then, we’ve dedicated ourselves to this mission, not asking for a dime until we could prove our worthiness. Four years later, we are on track to produce over 100,000 meals for veterans in need this year alone.

Our next mission is to find ways to fund this crucial work. If you can, please consider donating. Just $5 provides a veteran in need with a nutritious meal, raised exclusively for them.

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